domingo, 25 de setembro de 2011

How to react in a terrorist attack carried out with firearms

Good morning friends, today i will tell about how you should react if you find yourself involved in an attack in which firearms are used in open public place. The most recent example i can give you is the attack carried out in Norway where the shooter used an assault rifle. In firearms we can include pistols, revolvers, shotguns, assault rifles, submachine guns among others. Before we start you should know the following, an terrorist attack it is not the same as an armed robbery, in this case the attacker has its well-defined objective, which will cause the maximum damage possible. You should also know that th human being takes between two to three seconds to acquire a moving target, and so this is the time available you have to move. You should also know that the bright colors attract to yourself the attentions, so, in case of an attack you should be free of them.
The contact whith the shooter or shooters may be done in two ways, by visual contact or sound contact. In the first case you will see the shooter and in the second case you will hear the shots prformed by the same. In the visual contact when you see the armed attacker you should reduce to nthe most your silhouette and move as quickly as possible to a location that will offers you protection, at this place we can call «The Mask». Your movement should never be superior than two seconds and also should not turn your backs to the shooter and when you reaches the Mask you must install perpendicular to the direction of the shooter and do not let parts of your body exposed, the ideal position is lying close to the ground or whith one knee on the ground. In case of sound contact, when you hear the shot you should immediately install  close to the ground whith the belly down, and then must find the shooter. If near you have a Mask you must crawl to her. In both cases if the Mask iis at a distance of over two seconds, you should install close to the ground and return to perform another rapid deployment.
The characteristics of a good mask: should provide you good protection against the projectiles fired by the shooter's weapon, so you should be aware of the thickness and typu of material that makes up the mask, at worst a mask shall grant you protection of the views, in which caseyou should install in the ground.
Very well, you are allready installed, what follows next? The shooter or shooters  continue to move forward and should break the contact whith him, so you must leave the place progressing in sets mask to mask to be out of range of shooters weapons. Before leaving your protection you should peek outside the mask whithout exposing your body too much and look for the location of the attackers and should do to yourself this three questions: WHERE??? HOW??? and WHEN???
Where? You may question yourself to see what the next mask to where will you go, you should have no doubts before leaving the place.
How? It's the way it you will go and where you will move.
When? It's the moment you make the moviment, in this case you have to watch the shooter aand take a moment of distractionor so when he is reloading his weapon.
When you are out of reach of the shooter you must take an itinerary who gives you protection of views and never use paths or roads.
When you arrive to a safe place you must alert the authorities, if they are not yet in the local.
You can use masonry walls as protection to move but keep in mind that you never look over a wall but always by the sides and always close to the ground, this observation technique also applies to corners and doors.
If you bring a family member carry it whith you and before you take any action explain to him will do.
Keep safe, see you soon

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